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In the 21st century, a commitment to Jewish Peoplehood can exist fruitfully with tension between particularistic values that ensure the existence and well-being of the Jewish People and a universalistic commitment to general causes.


No other line in Jewish texts captures the spirit of Jewish Peoplehood than this ancient quote from the Babylonian Talmud: Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh La’zeh, All Israel (Jews) are Responsible for Each Other. In many respects this core Jewish imperative manifests in the reality that Jews see themselves as a group linked by a deep sense of mutual responsibility and solidarity.

Jews have interpreted this core value throughout history both internally, in terms of the social norms that typified local Jewish communities, and also in support of Jews from other communities.

Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh La’zeh gives practical expression within the Jewish collective to a concrete set of behaviors and obligations that Jews have to one another. This concept is just as important today as throughout history, although it is challenged by an impulse to put universalistic values over particularistic ones and also by weakened links between Jewish communities.

Responsibility resources

Responsibility resources

Edition 1

Jewish Peoplehood and Identity

Edition 11

Jewish Peoplehood in Practice-Shifting From the “What” to the “How”

Edition 2

A sense of belonging to a people

Edition 13

Jewish Peoplehood: What does it mean? Why is it important? How do we nurture it?

Edition 8

Nurturing Jewish Peoplehood In The 21st Century. What Should We Do Differently?

Edition 30

Peoplehood Education - Goals, Pedagogy, and Outcomes

Edition 9

The Collective Jewish Conversation: Its Role, Purpose and Place in the 21st Century .

Articles related to responsibility

What is Jewish Peoplehood? And is it the Right Question?
From Defining Peoplehood to Creating Peoplehood Capital

Dr. Shlomi Ravid

Building a Field

Dr. Ezra Kopelowitz

Between Defining Peoplehood and Exploring its Meaning

Dr. Shlomi Ravid

Peoplehood is here to be re-envisioned

Dr. Shlomi Ravid

The challenges of peoplehood 4.0

Dr. Shlomi Ravid

Additional resources related to responsibility

Tool Kit

Tool Kit_edited.jpg

Peoplehood Papers

Peoplehood Papers.jpg

Digital Library

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